Dr. Ba Hoang on ITP and Bleeding Disorders
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a common hematologic disorder manifested by immune-mediated thrombocytopenia. The disorder is usually chronic. Although many eventually attain safe platelet counts off
treatment, a subset of patients has severe disease refractory to all treatment modalities, which is associated with
considerable morbidity and mortality.
ITP presents most commonly in women during the second and third decades of life, although the disorder can occur in either sex and at any age. Patients typically present with petechiae or purpura that develop over several days, accompanied by platelet counts of 1000–20,000/µl. Severe cutaneous bleeding, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, hematuria, or menorrhagia may develop at platelet counts below 10,000/µl.
Emergency treatment is given in Hospitals for extremely low platelet counts (5000–10,000/ml) or for active bleeding. Treatment is initiated immediately with intravenous IgG (IVIG) and/or intravenous methyl-prednisolone until the platelet count exceeds 50,000/ml.
For most of patients, initial treatment is usually started with prednisone although some physicians prefer periodic anti-D (antibody against erythrocyte RhD antigen) or pulsed dexamethasone. Treatment of refractory patients usually proceeds in the order shown; experimental therapy can be given at any time, depending on the toxicity of the treatment relative to that of the standard therapies. Response rates of 50%–90% are reported depending on the intensity and duration of therapy, but only 20%–30% of patients enter a stable remission once a course of steroids has been completed.
Splenectomy remains the mainstay of subsequent therapy in adults. Approximately 75%–85% of patients attain an initial hemostatic response after splenectomy; of these, 25%–40% will relapse within 5–10 y.
About 40%–50% of ITP patients are characterized as refractory, either because they do not respond to splenectomy or because they relapse after an initial response and require additional treatment. Refractory patients often respond slowly to subsequent treatment, have significant morbidity due to ITP and its therapy, and have a mortality rate of 8%–16%.
In contrast to steroid and other therapies for ITP, the selected herbs do not have harmful negative side effects and they do not interact with other things. When people stop taking the herbs there is no major rebound reaction and the body can remain stable.
ITP presents most commonly in women during the second and third decades of life, although the disorder can occur in either sex and at any age. Patients typically present with petechiae or purpura that develop over several days, accompanied by platelet counts of 1000–20,000/µl. Severe cutaneous bleeding, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, hematuria, or menorrhagia may develop at platelet counts below 10,000/µl.
The diagnosis of primary ITP remains one of exclusion. A careful history is important to exclude drugs that can cause thrombocytopenia, familial thrombocytopenia, post-transfusion purpura, or disorders associated with secondary ITP. The physical examination shows only evidence of bleeding. The presence of adenopathy or splenomegaly suggests another diagnosis. Blood counts are normal except for the platelet count unless there has been significant bleeding or immune hemolysis.Current Treatments:
The goal of treatment is to raise the platelet count into a safe range (>50,000/ml).Emergency treatment is given in Hospitals for extremely low platelet counts (5000–10,000/ml) or for active bleeding. Treatment is initiated immediately with intravenous IgG (IVIG) and/or intravenous methyl-prednisolone until the platelet count exceeds 50,000/ml.
For most of patients, initial treatment is usually started with prednisone although some physicians prefer periodic anti-D (antibody against erythrocyte RhD antigen) or pulsed dexamethasone. Treatment of refractory patients usually proceeds in the order shown; experimental therapy can be given at any time, depending on the toxicity of the treatment relative to that of the standard therapies. Response rates of 50%–90% are reported depending on the intensity and duration of therapy, but only 20%–30% of patients enter a stable remission once a course of steroids has been completed.
Splenectomy remains the mainstay of subsequent therapy in adults. Approximately 75%–85% of patients attain an initial hemostatic response after splenectomy; of these, 25%–40% will relapse within 5–10 y.
About 40%–50% of ITP patients are characterized as refractory, either because they do not respond to splenectomy or because they relapse after an initial response and require additional treatment. Refractory patients often respond slowly to subsequent treatment, have significant morbidity due to ITP and its therapy, and have a mortality rate of 8%–16%.
Possible Benefits of Using Natural Products
With ITP & Platelet Kit, you can enjoy 100% natural supplements, which help people to achieve a more balanced and healthier body. The healthy and balanced body will improve the immune function and platelet quality and endothelian integrity, thus may prevent and stop excessive bleeding symptoms. Our herbs may help the body's own mechanisms to restructure and heal itself from destroying platelets.In contrast to steroid and other therapies for ITP, the selected herbs do not have harmful negative side effects and they do not interact with other things. When people stop taking the herbs there is no major rebound reaction and the body can remain stable.